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  1. G

    Osananajimi Kanojo no Morahara ga Hidoin de Zetsuen Sengen shite Yatta - Vol. 3 Ch. 25

    That's if they keep it same. They might not. They should not.
  2. G

    Aru Hi, Totsuzen Gal no Iinazuke ga Dekita - Ch. 4

    Bottom tier character Tomozaki-kun And like, kinda, but also not really? He saw no reason to improve, so his rival in that game decided to "improve him" kinda out of spite? And then he saw merit in it and went with it further? Maybe it will also be like that here, though it will probably take...
  3. G

    PEEP - Ch. 7 - A Secret Weakness

    She may have slit both wrists. We cant see.
  4. G

    Yuki no Niizuma wa Boku to Tokeaitai - Vol. 4 Ch. 18

    ...Kinda? Man, are you a late bloomer...
  5. G

    Ouritsu Majutsu Gakuin No Kichiku Koushi - Vol. 2 Ch. 12

    Man stories like this are why I [like] perverted MCs. In this case it's like the author is [sharing] his fetishes.
  6. G

    Seinaru Otome to Himegoto wo - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - Kiss The Hidden Honey

    I mean, the point is genital insertion, I guess, so so far it's "pure", I guess.
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    Kuse Tsuyo Kanojo wa Toko ni Izanau - Vol. 1 Ch. 4 - [UNCENSORED]

    Well, i mean, thats one way to keep audience on their toes. Might(probably will)blow up in authors face in some capacity when the truth is out.
  8. G

    How the Little Brother Who Turned Into a Girl Became His Big Brother's Girlfriend - Vol. 5 Ch. 131

    Not looks as a (girl/boy/whatever), his looks. dunno what to lol about here
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    How the Little Brother Who Turned Into a Girl Became His Big Brother's Girlfriend - Vol. 5 Ch. 131

    Yes. He likes to be complemented about his looks, and he doesn't inherently care that its about him being in a "girls outfit". It doesn't have to be about gender.
  10. G

    Tokidoki Bosotto Roshia-go de Dereru Tonari no Alya-san - Ch. 42.5 - Special Oneshot

    Ah, so you thought its her "teasing" him about his poor knowledge of flower language? Understandable then, though I still see it making less sense, but whatever. Maybe i will ping you once when I reread that part of novel, just to clarify.
  11. G

    Tokidoki Bosotto Roshia-go de Dereru Tonari no Alya-san - Ch. 42.5 - Special Oneshot

    Dude, its the same thing as with the koreans, and their "duke of the north" shoujo manhwa love interest trope. Its such a part of the culture(?) its simpler to accept it. Well, its kinda your problem. The characters there most likely wouldnt really have perfect russian pronunciation, what with...
  12. G

    Tokidoki Bosotto Roshia-go de Dereru Tonari no Alya-san - Ch. 42.5 - Special Oneshot

    P. 10: either authors fucked up russian, or scanlators fucked up translation, since in her second speech bubble, she says, in russian: "I just don't [know/understand] anything about it", while in translation she talks about Kuze... for some reason. I would assume, taking context into...
  13. G

    How the Little Brother Who Turned Into a Girl Became His Big Brother's Girlfriend - Vol. 5 Ch. 131

    And you are so quick to assume that if he gladly takes those compliments, he must be trans. Nice callout, bro.
  14. G

    7-Nin no Nemuri Hime - Vol. 4 Ch. 28 - What I think is right

    Pg. 12, alec bubble missing text
  15. G

    Otonari no Tenshi-sama ni Itsu no Ma ni ka Dame Ningen ni Sareteita Ken: After the Rain - Vol. 2 Ch. 14 - In Search of a Matching Pair

    Cus if they do get married, they will become a biohazard. All shall mutate into pure glucose crystal forms in the vicinity
  16. G

    Otonari no Tenshi-sama ni Itsu no Ma ni ka Dame Ningen ni Sareteita Ken: After the Rain - Vol. 2 Ch. 14 - In Search of a Matching Pair

    By "this" you mean this side stories one (as you mentioned in the last main series thread), or the main series (for which we yet to know)?
  17. G

    Saenai Boku ga Kimi no Heya de Shiteiru Koto o Kurasumeito wa Dare mo Shiranai - Vol. 2 Ch. 11

    Can i get a spoiler for the ending pair please? (I assume there is no threesome)
  18. G

    Ore ni Trauma wo Ataeta Joshi-tachi ga Chirachira Mitekuru kedo, Zannen desu ga Teokure desu - Vol. 2 Ch. 10 - Precious and Sweet Things

    This "non-technical use of language" is why the term got so watered down, it almost doesn't have a defined meaning anymore. And its bad. Words should have meaning.