The flashier the moves are the less damage/impact they do it seems. Mostly the simple, basic strikes or kicks are the most useful as shown by our main hero. And honestly this is pure nonsense the story at this point but still entertaining.
Ever since the first manga Kiichi always performs best when he is injured, overwhelmed and/or outclassed. Even as a grown up he still fights that way. He is tough indeed.
Man it seems Japanese folks have kinda lost their magic with their mangas and animes... the koreans seem to make better manwas nowdays than there are mangas (not counting grappler baki, tough etc those are great still and running).
Too many cliches and cheesy predictable stuff happening in this...
You said plenty murderers walk free if they are called murderers it means they killed someone no? That should be proof enough. Maybe due to money or corruption they walk free which is not uncommon sadly. But again i don't see the point in trying to compare this to real life when i am basicly...
You guys serious or trolling? I clearly talk about this manga and the most unrealistic part being that some fruity teenager that is publicly well known in the manga and known by cops, known to murder n shit and still walks free. Many cults in real life do their acts or murders at the very end...
No I don't watch TV or have any idea what true crime is. And show me from real life/history a teenager that's still in high school that can do all these things and get away with it, while making it public too. So it's a bit silly you make that comment since you watch true crime you should know...
Most unrealistic part about this manga is the fact a teenager like him can make people suffer and outright kill them even if not directly and still be able to walk free. So author wants me to believe the Japanese cops/army can't do anything about it? That the japanese people wouldn't just rush...
I have to say that Kyo guy has the most stomp worthy face/head i have ever seen... everything about him pisses me off his dumb face, dumb haircut, big rat eyes and that smug smirk of his. Makes me wish Yujiro Hanma would just appear in this manga and teach Kyo and his bum a lesson.