Hot Damnnn!,Wholesome Sex with Defloration,Virginity,Sole Male,and Sole Female Tags are my absolute favorites.
When Will the Wedding Arc become a reality???im fqin excited
Sakuradaimon's Sister is definitely the Best Girl ,she is the classic airhead ara ara onee - san type when she grows up, Their Mother is probably like what i described and thats definitely the best girl material
I hope they cut off all the loli heroines and just make celliss the only one,if this has a harem tag then i am okay with it but celliss is pretty much the best girl choice here,she is pretty much at the same level with the queen if she matured,u guys would very much like a milf cellis
Would like to see the Grayish Masked Girl,but she is probably raphaelo's fiancee or sister.i def would like her to be the third heroine though,but romantica Will very much hate it if she has some new rivals
P.S. Long haired romantica is the ideal girl
love the art,drama tag makes me anxious if i should pick it up,ill put it in standby for now, if there is no ntr stuff and huge dramas involved ill probably pick it up