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  1. carlosraruto

    The Rhodes Island Experiences - Ch. 183

    *Soviet Anthem plays*
  2. carlosraruto

    The Rhodes Island Experiences - Ch. 182

    Don't judge a book by its cover.
  3. carlosraruto

    The Rhodes Island Experiences - Ch. 181

    Unmoving heart of steel
  4. carlosraruto

    The Rhodes Island Experiences - Ch. 180

    A yes, the Piccolo training method. DODGE!
  5. carlosraruto

    The Rhodes Island Experiences - Ch. 179

    That Zima is an impostor, she would gladly try again!
  6. carlosraruto

    The Rhodes Island Experiences - Ch. 178

    Castle, your HK-47/Bender is showing
  7. carlosraruto

    The Rhodes Island Experiences - Ch. 176

    Now we just need a BGM for the training montage.
  8. carlosraruto

    The Rhodes Island Experiences - Ch. 175

    Is that Provence's tail on photograph?
  9. carlosraruto

    The Rhodes Island Experiences - Ch. 173

  10. carlosraruto

    The Rhodes Island Experiences - Ch. 172

    @Spinell Yes
  11. carlosraruto

    The Rhodes Island Experiences - Ch. 172

    You must alway look both sides for Kal'tsit before complaining about the job.
  12. carlosraruto

    The Rhodes Island Experiences - Ch. 171

    Red is now an emotional crits operator
  13. carlosraruto

    The Rhodes Island Experiences - Ch. 170

    @FireFox She extorted Jessica for money and got scared off by Red
  14. carlosraruto

    The Rhodes Island Experiences - Ch. 169

    My bet is on Zima wanting revenge
  15. carlosraruto

    The Rhodes Island Experiences - Ch. 169

    The return of Red's (and Vigna's) misadventures! Who could this mysterious Stalker be?
  16. carlosraruto

    The Rhodes Island Experiences - Ch. 168.5

    No one wake me from this wonderful dream. Handholding on the first date. Provence is a bold one.
  17. carlosraruto

    The Rhodes Island Experiences - Ch. 168

    Well, it all started with Red assaulting Pramanix...
  18. carlosraruto

    The Rhodes Island Experiences - Ch. 167

    S M U G Happy birthday Red!