Hey everyone, it's Moon here.
We're really looking for Redrawers who would like to help really bring out the fullest potential of these chapters. If you're interested please join the discord.
Brother understands the importance of keeping Goro around. He's always going to be the type of player to be headstrong and complain about samurai spirit or some stupid stuff, but if he's got actual professionals around to bounce ideas off of then it may lead to him finding a streamlined version...
He got pneumonia because he kept playing even when he should have stopped. He or the coaches should have realized how bad it was but nope. It makes sense to regulate things to prevent this from happening again.
But our MC will just spout something about samurai spirit and learn nothing.
Hey all, looks like we're in need of another redrawer, noname sort of vanished but no hate on that. If anyone feels comfortable helping out, it would be much appreciated. Just join up through the discord link.
I'm writing this post out, fresh bowl of curry with jasmine rice on the side sitting in my lap. The clickity clack my keyboard as my fingers dance across the keys plays along with Queen's 'I want to break free'. Then there's a bee on my shoulder.
Hey everyone, Moon here. Just wanted to say that thanks to the major support from yesterday it looks like there's not an honest to goodness Scanlation group to continue Bambino! Secondo on. Mayuuka, nametaken, and Splash. They've helped bring this to life again. I helped a little too with the...
Lol dang, didn't know there was this many fans left. Honestly I'm just a dude with money and time, and I think at this point it's obvious that getting another group or at least someone to do the typesetting is needed. I'll have all of the transcripts for the remaining chapters hopefully by the...