Losing all interest in someone the second you find out they aren't some idealized prince charming, and are in fact a normal human with flaws on top of those good sides, is a pretty shitty thing to do.
Showing loyalty to a specific group is stupid. The only thing that matters is the content being out there in good quality. Your average person reading through simply doesn't care, nor should they. It sounds harsh but no one should care if you put time and effort in either. I don't care if...
Caring about someone else translating a manga is stupid always had been. Whats important is that its in english for more people to read, not who is actually translating it. This only matters if the translation is of subpar quality, which this is not.
Being able to forget her face and her not influencing him any longer are two very different things. We are who our upbringing and surroundings turn us into. If not for her influence he would probably living a happy life with a family, instead he is here alone. I wouldn't say the result seems...