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  1. E

    Hyoukaku no Meteoria - Ch. 1

    So here's chapter 1 of "Just Glue Some Gears On It: The Manga". Nobody else seemed to be doing it, and I wanted to try a seinen series, so here you go. Hope somebody likes it. It's... maybe not super-polished - the guy's art wobbles from seriously impressive to action scenes where people look...
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    Tokubetsu na Chuutohanpa - Ch. 45 - Do it to me.

    Just one chapter this time, so apologies if you had your hopes up. Again, working on other series and general RL stuff means I'm slowing down. Hopefully I can keep going, though.
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    Mii-chan and Yamada-san - Ch. 2 - Time to study

    FWIW, I'm fairly sure the real "Mii-chan" was not murdered. (Though I might have missed something...) But her "intellectual disability" (the author's words) meant that a few of the things in the first few chapters are directly taken from stuff she actually did. There's a pretty good interview...
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    Tokubetsu na Chuutohanpa - Ch. 44 - Friends

    Time for more disaster lesbians! Next upload is definitely going to be slow, since I haven't yet got any more chapters done. Sorry about that. I just thought I might as well upload another "arc" in one go, even it means a longer wait. Hope that won't be too much of a hassle. Also there's quite...
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    Mii-chan and Yamada-san - Ch. 1 - The first month

    Just to reiterate, there doesn't seem to be any sign of an actual relationship between Mii and Yamada in the raws so far. No idea how long she's planning to run this version of the story for, mind you, or what it might change into before the end. The previous version went on for quite a few...
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    Tokubetsu na Chuutohanpa - Ch. 40 - What's important

    For all the series bugs me I do still like that side of it, yes. One reason I'm still on it. 41-43 done, currently working on 44, FWIW. I'll probably do another bunch in one go when I next upload, trying to figure out what would be a good point to do it.
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    Mii-chan and Yamada-san - Ch. 1 - The first month

    Hint: think about what the first two pages are showing. ;) No, seriously, I sympathise - I thought for quite a while about whether to do this one because of that final image, but after skipping ahead in the raws and reading some interviews with the creator I thought no, she's not just using...
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    Tokubetsu na Chuutohanpa - Ch. 40 - What's important

    I really wouldn't get your hopes up too high. ...I'm still going to keep at it, unless anything changes/I get bored/somebody else steps in, since I would like to see where it goes; but the very next "arc" - while it still has the usual cute moments and some surprisingly human character beats -...
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    Tokubetsu na Chuutohanpa - Ch. 38 - My chest is tense

    I too have seen the raws and, yeah. I said before I felt it was half-way between some surprisingly well-observed character beats but without much evidence the author had any serious plan, and I still feel like that. The comparison with Kase-san is kinda apt because I feel much the same about...
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    Tokubetsu na Chuutohanpa - Ch. 38 - My chest is tense

    And back to the drama. (FWIW the conversation in the stairwell in page 1 is, as far as I can tell, silly chit-chat, something like "God, why are they down on the bottom floor, anyway?" "Well, why are we up on the top floor?" But the kanji were too blurry for me to be sure enough to include it.)
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    Tokubetsu na Chuutohanpa - Ch. 37 - Time to be gentle

    Ah, makes sense. I did wonder. (I hadn't looked - obviously, or I'd know that. <_< ) I'm guessing they can't have much more planned for this part of the story, then, if any "adult world" bits are all separate projects. Going by the raws it's almost up to that point.
  12. E

    Tokubetsu na Chuutohanpa - Ch. 37 - Time to be gentle

    Yeah, on reflection and checking that again, seems like you're right; Translate does come up with "It's been three years" (or variations along those lines), but Googling for the actual Japanese I'm sure it should be "We're third years now". I must not have thought to double-check that specific...
  13. E

    Tokubetsu na Chuutohanpa - Ch. 37 - Time to be gentle

    Wait no where are you all going, come baaaaack :cry: ...ahem. Sorry to disappoint anyone who seriously thought it was suddenly about to get lewd, I guess? FWIW, a couple of T/L hiccups: page 7 was probably the trickiest. Natsuki literally says something like "Thank you, Asuna, your feelings...
  14. E

    Tokubetsu na Chuutohanpa - Ch. 36 - The adult world

    These next two chapters get kinda wordy in places and I'm still trying to find the right fonts, so hopefully it works okay. ...oh and hopefully the dialogue doesn't sound too much like a PSA on the importance of informed consent, I guess. <_< Still, let's see what you think.
  15. E

    Tokubetsu na Chuutohanpa - Ch. 35 - Jealousy

    FWIW Natsuki specifically says 心配なの, and from looking it up "shinpai" can mean "worried" or "concerned" as well (anyone who watches anime is probably going to hear 心配するな sooner rather than later!). But some definitions I saw do list "anxious"/"anxiety", and considering the series seems to be...
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    Tokubetsu na Chuutohanpa - Ch. 34 - I still think about it

    And you thought it'd be wrapped up in one more chapter. (Well, it kinda is. But also not quite.) FWIW, re: the "omg are they still doing this" stuff, again, I'm sort of... a little from Column A, a little from Column B? I do think this strip is very obviously by Some Pixiv Rando who's...
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    Tokubetsu na Chuutohanpa - Ch. 33 - What I was afraid of.

    Update, FWIW; I've been slowing down due to work and RL stuff (and trying to see if there's anything else I can translate, at least at this level), but I've got up to 40 done and all those chapters are pretty much ready to go. (They were "finished" before, but I tweaked the fonts from my first...
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    Tokubetsu na Chuutohanpa - Ch. 32 - I don't see girls like that

    No, Joma and Shinako are saying that Natsuki is getting other guys at school approaching her after she broke up with her boyfriend, and Asuna is thinking "Who are these 'other guys', and how come Natsuki never told me about this". Remember that nobody other than Asuna (and Kyoko, kinda) knows...
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    Tokubetsu na Chuutohanpa - Ch. 32 - I don't see girls like that

    Hey, going by subsequent chapters I'm fairly sure I've got the broad strokes correct, but apologies, obviously, if my choice of words has made it confusing in any way. The last three pages when it changes from them chit-chatting are essentially: Joma (dark hair) says to Shinako (blonde), "Why...
  20. E

    Tokubetsu na Chuutohanpa - Ch. 32 - I don't see girls like that

    Hope you like melodrama hohohohoho More seriously: this was the chapter where I started doing redraws - I went back and fixed or added a couple of things in previous chapters, but not all. No guarantees, but most panels from this point which only needed simple redraws should have them. (Plus I...