I remember in the first chapter were Maya discover there is 8 dragons and dream of 8 Rin-chan... I thought it was a joke, but I'm happy it wasn't 😊
@Niko200104 Don't worry, you already do a fantastic work, thanks you! 😀
The last page is really confusing, what Ran say make no sense to me... 😅
And isn't Sansui supposed to say "It'll be easier for you to see the difference between us" if he is talking to the berseker? 🤔
As always, thanks for your hard work ! \(^.^)/
Ok, so the first demon lord got one punch kill by a mature Ash
The second got one punch kill by a child Ash
The third got instant kill by the memories of child Ash
What about the last? will he immediatly die because Ash simply exist?
@justforthelulz Sacrifices? Hum... yeah, sacrifices the black companie where Maya work!
Then, make Maya a goddess with those sacrifices so she can live forever with Rin-chan and Chichi-sama.
Happy end