@Graviity im glad to see you read our version, Thanks anyway
and dont mention me about anything with your fricking fight with my bro kek
Thanks For Reading Here!~
@Kamikoto im sorry to said that, but its true, we kicked the translator after we realized he's using mtl all the time
im sorry for this weird translation, our another jtl go mia, so idk what to say
we just proofread this to make it better than before, atleast its better than before, "better than...
@Dreqion You should change the fonts dude, its bad actually
But, its fine for now
Thanks for chapters
Finally, i can read here at MD, not at that mtl web kek
@Alinoth @Thoxi1026
we didnt sniped anyone, we pick up first, than asura pick up too
but the bad things happen to our KTL irl
so we slow release the chaps, but we already did all of the chaps since reapers dropped it
pls stop saiy shit about sniping