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  1. Sancturil

    Sousou no Frieren - Vol. 3 Ch. 24 - Elven Wish

    @butter_gnome No, she said that she's been a mage for more than 1000 years, which also corresponds to the amount of time that has passed since she met Flamme, her teacher. It was also said in the same chapter that the amount of mana of a mage increases not with time, but rather with time spent...
  2. Sancturil

    Hades-sama wa Okinodoku-sama - Vol. 1 Ch. 2

    OMG! SOMEONE PICKED THIS UP! Thank you so much.
  3. Sancturil

    Ramia-Yana - Ch. 2.2 - ~A Hero's town~ The old Hero (part 2)

    @KinGrove Oh, right, the Holy Sword. I forgot about that. That would make a lot of sense too.
  4. Sancturil

    Ramia-Yana - Ch. 2.2 - ~A Hero's town~ The old Hero (part 2)

    @jimmyclear Well, just the fact that the Hero becomes the Demon Lord and rules over the demons should already be enough of a Taboo on its own. Then maybe the source of Ramia's immortality is another Taboo. It could also be something we haven't thought of yet.
  5. Sancturil

    Ramia-Yana - Ch. 2.2 - ~A Hero's town~ The old Hero (part 2)

    Yeah, I'm on the "she became the Demon Lord" camp. She probably became the Demon Lord (and immortal) so that a new Demon Lord doesn't appear and so that she can keep stop greater conflicts between demons and humanity. This would also be reason enough for her Hero obsessed daughter to consider...
  6. Sancturil

    Portrait of Queen Berta - Ch. 1

    Alright, I like this. Thanks for the translation!
  7. Sancturil

    Sousou no Frieren - Vol. 3 Ch. 22 - Scales of Obedience

    Okay, so, about Frieren's age. Based on all the details here and there about her past that we've gotten so far, Frieren is likely always several thousands of years old. - It's been almost a century since the Hero died (about 80 something years); - Frieren journeyed with the Hero for 10 years...
  8. Sancturil

    Sousou no Frieren - Vol. 3 Ch. 22 - Scales of Obedience

    @RexNemorensis I'm saving that picture. Thanks.
  9. Sancturil

    Yasei no Last Boss ga Arawareta! - Vol. 5 Ch. 25 - Suspicion

    @StarGasm Don't worry about it. The picture link was definitely broken on my side at least, and now it's fixed in a more permanent-like way. Edit: Also, I have OCD, so I'm glad that you mentioned it so that I could fix it.
  10. Sancturil

    Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei - Kyuukousen-hen - Vol. 4 Ch. 19 - The Weak Point, Part 3

    Oh, so Tatsuya did use that technique to knock out mages again. Nice. I had forgotten that he used it here. At least this means that it's not a one-time thing from the first arc of the series.
  11. Sancturil

    Yasei no Last Boss ga Arawareta! - Vol. 5 Ch. 25 - Suspicion

    @StarGasm thanks for tagging me (in a comment that doesn't to exist anymore). It allowed me to see that the picture I re-uploaded had had its link broken too. I've now uploaded it again.
  12. Sancturil

    Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei - Nyuugaku-hen - Vol. 2 Ch. 7 - Personal Struggle

    Now that I'm re-reading the series, I'm baffled that this technique to knock out mages wasn't used again by Tatsuya at any point later in the series (as far as I can recall). Seriously, it's such a waste to not use it again.
  13. Sancturil

    Shiawase Kanako no Koroshiya Seikatsu - Vol. 1 Ch. 10

    omg, someone picked this series up! YES!! Thank you so much!
  14. Sancturil


    Nice, the author posted the next chapter on twitter yesterday.
  15. Sancturil

    Komori-san wa Kotowarenai! - Vol. 5 Ch. 68.5

    This is a smart way to make Shuri's character design more relevant instead of it being the way it is just because the author decided so.
  16. Sancturil

    To Your Eternity - Vol. 14 Ch. 129.1 - Words That Do Not Reach (1)

    @Titanfan548 I can think of a few possible reasons why there wasn't a scene of people asking Fushi about his name meaning "immortal." 1- Maybe because of redundancy (it having already been a scene that has played out a few times in the story). 2- Japanese names are often made up of Kanji that...
  17. Sancturil

    To Your Eternity - Vol. 14 Ch. 128.3 - The Fight Continues (3)

    Oh... OH!! Fuck. I think I understand what's going on. That girl at the end isn't related to Fushi. That's not why she's regenerating. Based on context from this chapter, it's clear that she's a victim of ijime (bullying, specifically, the hardcore japanese type). I'm guessing that she...
  18. Sancturil

    The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen: From Villainess to Savior - Vol. 1 Ch. 5

    @Psychronia Then there's also how Pryde having the power of prophecy was foretold and ignored by the queen. If she could see that her daughter was going to be a bad queen, she should've understood that her daughter also had a prophetic ability, since that's required to become queen in the first...
  19. Sancturil

    The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen: From Villainess to Savior - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

    @theilikepie Psychologically speaking, neglect is a form of abuse. Especially in this case. Edit: Also, kids don't have to be psycopaths to do horrible things. Kids can be innocently malicious to the extreme. Edit2: Moreover, OG Pryde doesn't seem like a psychopath to me. You don't have to...