@Panino, at least there's a possibility of an happy ending with zombie-waifu. Here it looks like heroine has a serious underlying condition and will prob drop (either literally from the observatory like her rumor she spread or dying from the ailment)
Lol all these people here with their panties in a twist that its a genderbender rather than having her be transgender. Let the author do his thing- I'm liking this one so far.
@Ninja the femdom bit isn't the annoying part, the fact that MC is literally a brainlet and has 0 mental processing ability is. Like fuck, I've missed out on some obvious chicks that were interested in me, but this is so blatant at times.
Genderswap is good, but TSF love isn't really forbidden as its just the character getting used to their new body (Usually not an innate choice to change).