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  1. Azarel-Sama

    Until I Become Me - Vol. 4 Ch. 45

    The Yuri Cult is confused but as long as its Yuri its accepted.
  2. Azarel-Sama

    Magical Trans! - Vol. 4 Ch. 43 - Newly Discovered Sisters

    Imoutofication! imoutofication!
  3. Azarel-Sama

    30-sai made Doutei de Itara Mahou Shoujo ni Narimashita - Vol. 2 Ch. 24 - That's the You I Like

    Gaaah i got Diabetes. Its too cute. For all my life i thought all mascot animals are evil incarnate but this one........yeah both of them deserve a headpat. -Unsuspicious Lazy Evulz Overlord
  4. Azarel-Sama

    Majo no Geboku to Maou no Tsuno - Vol. 13 Ch. 74 - The Witch's Servant and the True Form

    Knowing how everyone turn into a Girl. Its time for King Bull to turn into Cute Girl.
  5. Azarel-Sama

    Kaigeki no Pantser - Ch. 1

    This is top tier manga 10/10.
  6. Azarel-Sama

    A Boy Who Loves Genderswap Got Genderswapped, so He Acts Out His Ideal Genderswap Girl - Vol. 4 Ch. 23

    I means i did say we are a Yuri CULT. So CHANTING IS A MUST. You better prepare your Exterminatus because the Yuri Cult wont stop even if you notice it. YURI FOR THE YURI GODDESS SHOUJO AI FOR THE SHOUJO AI THRONE Az Note For other Yuri Lovers : Yes this is a Cult and you have no right to say...
  7. Azarel-Sama

    A Boy Who Loves Genderswap Got Genderswapped, so He Acts Out His Ideal Genderswap Girl - Vol. 4 Ch. 23

    And this is why we the Yuri Cult have a bad name. You need to do some research my fellow cultist member. There are a lot of genderbend Yuri novels NOW, yes NOW not back then. Like the recently updated novels are usually Genderbend Yuri. On another note its fun seeing both side fight, but its...
  8. Azarel-Sama

    A Boy Who Loves Genderswap Got Genderswapped, so He Acts Out His Ideal Genderswap Girl - Vol. 4 Ch. 23

    Its foolish of you to think the Yuri Cult will stop at shipping. The Yuri Cult always think anything is Yuri if its a girl. And Yuri Pregnancy is always a way. But i think what my fellow Yuri Cultist means is that Genderbend Yuri Hentai/romance is low compare to Normal Genderbend where protag...
  9. Azarel-Sama

    Netachara-Tensei Toka Anmarida! - Vol. 1 Ch. 2

    If i see Aizen doing some Keikaku and somehow become important i'm just gonna say "Since when do you think we are under Kyoka Suigetsu Illusion.".
  10. Azarel-Sama

    Gushing over Magical Girls - Vol. 4 Ch. 16

    Yurification! Yurification! Yurification! My job here is done!
  11. Azarel-Sama

    Elf Deck To Senjou Gurashi - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - My elf deck!

    Its time to Dddd-ddd-dd--U-E-L. I activate my Futa Card i place it on a facedown position. I end my turn.
  12. Azarel-Sama

    Karada no Ichibu Igai Nyotaika Shita Hanashi

    Well, there is always Yuri Pregnancy.
  13. Azarel-Sama

    Ayakashi Triangle

    You know i'm just a simple evil overlord, if i see a good artstyle and it have shoujo ai/yuri+genderbend i will read it.
  14. Azarel-Sama

    Yotsuya Kaidan! - Vol. 4 Ch. 41 - Keita Yatsuhaka and Manami Yotsuya

    I honestly doesn't understand why he choose that freakin ghost over his bestfriend that always by his side everytime something happen to him, If it end that way i wouldnt be this mad but no he choose the ghost that "kill" his lover. Maybe if she choose her word wisely she would get him instead...
  15. Azarel-Sama

    Yotsuya Kaidan! - Vol. 4 Ch. 37 - To Rock Bottom

    You know its funny how the teacher call her Hypocrite because the teacher can just kidnap random people then use that person body as a vessel and never tell the protag. But no he choose to risk his life to get the body instead of not risking his life and get a new body for her trap waifu.
  16. Azarel-Sama

    Eiyuu-ou, Bu wo Kiwameru tame Tenseisu ~Soshite, Sekai Saikyou no Minarai Kishi♀~ - Vol. 1 Ch. 4

    Dunno what they are talking about. But i'm expecting English Version Soon
  17. Azarel-Sama

    Dad Is a Hero, Mom Is a Spirit, I'm a Reincarnator - Vol. 4 Ch. 19

    I would LoL if the story become Illidan story copy paste. Like the royal family just want to do something good but they are too edgy to be understand. Well, i will be waiting until the king say his reason for wanting spirits power and then we the readers will said "Dude just talk normally and...
  18. Azarel-Sama

    Momoiro Ome-chen - Vol. 1 Ch. 7 - Accident 7

    I have seen enough [REDACTED] to know where this is going.
  19. Azarel-Sama

    Maou na Ano Ko to Murabito A - Vol. 5 Ch. 26

    I think Merilirem have the right idea. But instead of a truck its an Airplane