You will most likely not see any Aztec gods, it's always the norse, indian and greek gods that show up, that's what's popular.
That said I lost a lot of hype when I saw the list of fighters, most of them are the boring shit you'd expect.
I'm catching up to the story, but poor ol'grandpa falling ill because the daughter are changing their dress style feels fucking stupid. In a normal world they would have said : nah grandpa, we,re trying to assert our individuality!
It's kind of absurd how absolutely evil Chinese and Korean people are depicted in their own literature. In Japanese stuff you rarely get people that mind numbly inhuman, and here on china and korea it's basically 1 in every 10 people who's a soulless psychopath.
The MC might be an idiot, but the story could still be really interesting if it starts to focus on other app users and the crazyness they all bring with them.
The writing in this keeps making absolutely 0 sense. How do they even know what Soul-tier can and can't do if no one even has seen one before. All the strong women act like stupid schoolgirls around the mc, the evil people are cartoonishly evil and massively incompetent. This is a worst power...
Typical chinese stories. The bad guys are so cartoonishly evil that they turn the story stupid. As with every chinese story, the mc and his girls will face a seemingly *infinite* amount of really evil and caricaturely awful men (and a few women) as they slowly become top dog.
I love how everyone in those type of mangas are basically psychotic lunatics. They're essentially perfect little girls who're also evil incarnate. But they all have a super duper wuper tragic backstory so it's totes ok! Some people don't need to be saved, the 3 head girls need to be destroyed.