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  1. lisaisa

    Nana to Kaoru - Vol. 8 Ch. 58 - I Stepped on Nana

    The only way he feels as equal to Nana is literally tying her up, depriving her of movement and any of her senses. Can you imagine how little he must feel about himself to do all?
  2. lisaisa

    Nana to Kaoru - Vol. 7 Ch. 55 - A Dom's Desire

    I'm always afraid something really wrong might happen :c
  3. lisaisa

    Ao Ashi - Vol. 17 Ch. 172 - The Black Flame is Put Out in Prague

    The only good concept I could grasp after reading 20 chapters of Blue Lock was how the Japanese mentality of teamwork can be rather punishing for people that want to follow an individualistic growth. Akutsu wants to grow to be THE best (not precisely the best TEAM) if the team wins it has to be...
  4. lisaisa

    Ao Ashi - Vol. 17 Ch. 171 - Black Flames

    ¨Are you done? We don't need brats here¨ There's a point in life where we have to mature and recognize that high school bully like mentality is going to take us nowhere in life. It seems like Akutsu hasn't figured it out yet, I'm not gonna give up on the character just yet!!! I hated Bakugou's...
  5. lisaisa

    Ao Ashi - Vol. 17 Ch. 170 - The Skies Over at Prague

    @Alex_79 100% agree I think that behavior is called projection in psychology. I have the theory that Akutsu is ashamed to see traces of his past self in Aoi and just lashes it all out on him. Unlike Kirikiri he isn´t dismissive of all first years, or at least not in the same degree that he is...
  6. lisaisa

    Ao Ashi - Vol. 17 Ch. 170 - The Skies Over at Prague

    THANKS for the chapter, I think I`ve become greedy and expected more than one XDDDD Keep the good work guys.
  7. lisaisa

    BE BLUES ~Ao ni Nare~ - Vol. 42 Ch. 416 - Inside His Eyes

    Frick I have no idea of what´s going on XDDD Its been a while! But glad to be back.
  8. lisaisa

    Blue Lock - Vol. 2 Ch. 7 - Get In Front of The Goal!

    My God this manga is just for people who have never played soccer before, this is soooo retarded.
  9. lisaisa

    Ao Ashi - Vol. 16 Ch. 169 - Premonition of Complete

    Shut up I´m not crying!!!! Thanks for the chapters
  10. lisaisa

    Ao Ashi - Vol. 16 Ch. 168 - Rotator

    LMFAO That´s some Inazuma Eleven shit that happened there XDDDD. I don´t doubt that it can be possible but it was really funny nonetheless.
  11. lisaisa

    Ao Ashi - Vol. 16 Ch. 166 - Let it Roll

    That´s captain Otomo for you XDDDDD
  12. lisaisa

    Ao Ashi - Vol. 16 Ch. 165 - Nozomi's Proposal

    Is really interesting to see how to Kirikiri ego was right all along, for a logical standpoint everybody is right in their argument XD. I know is unrealistic and dumb to do this in an actual match and not in regular practice, but hey this is a sports manga we have to advance the plot and make...
  13. lisaisa

    Ao Ashi - Vol. 15 Ch. 151 - Multisite

    I think the author straight up looked at his daughter's diary for the romantic subplot, THIS IS GODDAMN ACCURATE. Don´t be too harsh on these kids, they are teenagers after all. Their feelings are just a mess and they don´t know how to properly deal with them. Everybody can at least relate to...
  14. lisaisa

    Ao Ashi - Vol. 14 Ch. 138 - Wanting to Meet You

    To whoever was Team Ojou, I'm sending prayers.
  15. lisaisa

    Ao Ashi - Vol. 14 Ch. 137 - Realize

    I really empathized for Ojou-sama in this chapter, as a girl I know how scary it can be to have a heated confrontation with a guy so much bigger than you. But he is totally right, if she wants to be MALE coach she needs to see the reality of what is to come in her future.
  16. lisaisa

    Ao Ashi - Vol. 12 Ch. 118 - Team A Gathering

    asshole coach does have a heart after all... Good chapter! With the ace of ESPERION now back in the game, it will be harder for the newcomers of team B
  17. lisaisa

    Ao Ashi - Vol. 12 Ch. 117 - Rain

    It's pretty cute how ashito asks her to cheer for him as himself and not as a replacement for asshole-coach-niisan.
  18. lisaisa

    Ao Ashi - Vol. 11 Ch. 115 - From Now On

  19. lisaisa

    Ao Ashi - Vol. 11 Ch. 111 - Diagonal Run

    OMG I LITERALLY SCREAMED WHEN HE SCORED THAT GOAL! This chapter was so good! Is amazing to see the development in Ashito