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  1. W

    Starting Today, We’re Childhood Friends - Vol. 10 Ch. 92 - Childhood Friend and Honmei

    The actual relationship between the two is fine. The annoying part is the comic keeps ending chapters on ambiguous cliff-hangers where it's framed like it might be progressing to romance, but it's only ever bait. Once or twice was fine, but it's done it so much that people are just expecting it now.
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    Starting Today, We’re Childhood Friends - Vol. 10 Ch. 92 - Childhood Friend and Honmei

    Yup, as expected. If she starts getting on about how these are just childhood friend makeouts and the tongue is just to show how friendly she is, then I'm out.
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    Starting Today, We’re Childhood Friends - Vol. 10 Ch. 91 - Childhood Friend and Chocolate

    Nope, I don't believe it. I'm wise to this comic's tricks. She's going to have some kind of mental gymnastics about how it's special childhood friend chocolate or something and therefore not obligatory, without mentioning romance at all.
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    Ningen no Kaikata - Vol. 1 Ch. 3.5 - Clinics

    Guys, just so you know, humans can not regrow limbs for whatever reason, so don't just try pulling them out if they get caught on something. Found that one out the hard way.
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    Ningen no Kaikata - Vol. 1 Ch. 2.5 - Sunbathing

    Wow, so true, I hate it when the sun is black.
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    Tengoku Daimakyou - Ch. 63 - Funayama Tooru 2

    Is... this going to end up being some kind of weird mercy killing thing? Like, he wanted to spare her the same sort of pain he went through from the loss of a sibling, and is fucking bonkers so gunshot to the head was his solution. I'm still not sure how any of this contextualizes the weird...
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    Ningen no Kaikata - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - Eyes

    We only neuter the big pets though. That guy looks gerbil sized, so I think he's safe.
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    Ruri Dragon - Ch. 12 - Making Something Fun for Everyone

    Damn, didn't realize how much the translation improved on the original. I guess that's what comes with having a professional translation.
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    Ruri Dragon - Ch. 12 - Making Something Fun for Everyone

    Ugh! These teenagers with their slang! In my day, when a hip posse of young things went groovin round painting the town red, they did it with respect for the english language!
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    Watashi no Hatsukoi wa Hazukashisugite Darenimo Ienai - Vol. 1 Ch. 2

    Ah yes, we shall just use the traditional, non-woke term for a person who seems to flow naturally between genders. I'll get back you when I've found it.
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    You and I are Polar Opposites - Ch. 52 - Yeah No

    Damn, Azuma is such an interesting character study. I don't think I've seen a character done quite in her headspace before. She's so used to guys hitting on her out of the gate and just rolling with it, that she seems legitimately perplexed about how to approach a guy outside of that.
  12. W

    Ruri Dragon - Vol. 2 Ch. 8 - To Play Hard

    It's called banter. You guys sound poisoned by overly literalist fan translations with stilted dialogue that you have to re-write in your head to sound like something a person would actually say.
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    Hina no Mama ja Dame desu ka? - Vol. 2 Ch. 8 - Do I really have to say what I want?

    Sad to hear, but it's not like this one has some plot arc it has to rush to finish up. It's mostly just a series of encounters dealing with puberty. It can probably tie itself up about whenever it wants.
  14. W

    Starting Today, We’re Childhood Friends - Vol. 8 Ch. 77 - Childhood Friend and the Aquarium

    It's hard to believe she's so obsessed with the childhood friends trope without noticing that those stories usually end up with a confession at some point. I was kind of under the impression she was into the really slow-burn romance of the childhood friends arrangement, and just expected the...
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    Starting Today, We’re Childhood Friends - Vol. 8 Ch. 77 - Childhood Friend and the Aquarium

    All of the ellipses in this use 2 dots instead of three. I've been seeing this a lot more recently, is this a trend? It always feels off, because I usually interpret the 2 dot ellipsis to mean, "I'm phone-posting and hit the space bar once too many."
  16. W

    Mieruko-chan - Vol. 11 Ch. 56

    Yeah, but they only seem to be able to interact with her spiritual presence. I don't think we've seen one be able to interact physically. I was kind of assuming that being a psychic was a matter of being more in line with the "spiritual plane" and thus easier to interact with. I think the idea...
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    Mieruko-chan - Vol. 11 Ch. 56

    Is this the first time we've seen a spirit straight poltergeisting a non-psychic? Most of them don't seem to be able to physically interact with normal humans.
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    Ruri Dragon - Vol. 2 Ch. 7 - Dragon Crap

    So, what do we think the rude girl's issue is? Is she just a bigot or does it have something to do with her absentee friend?
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    Renji de Chin! - Ch. 2 - Go for It at the Pool

    Pity, the most important question will forever remain unanswered: did she get turned into a futa, or a trap?