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  1. fflogschampion

    Noa-senpai wa Tomodachi. - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - Noa-Senpai and Manga Cafes

    I was thinking this too. This girl is the textbook jirai-kei girl with all perks included.
  2. fflogschampion

    Watashi no Yuri wa Oshigoto desu! - Vol. 13 Ch. 63 - Shall We Head Outside Together?

    Sumika is too good for the schizo den she works in.
  3. fflogschampion

    Meguro-san wa Hajimete ja Nai - Vol. 10 Ch. 68 - Able to be joyful

    What is this "realistic scenario" you guys seem so obsessed with because from my experience reality doesn't need to make sense or justify happenings as much as fictional narratives. Seemingly random crap happens all the time for the most inane reasons.
  4. fflogschampion

    Noa-senpai wa Tomodachi. - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    let's kiss, as friends let's have sex, as friends let's get married in a church, as friends let's have kids, as friends but I agree with this sentiment in general and I doubt it will go down this way here
  5. fflogschampion

    Whisper Me a Love Song - Vol. 9 Ch. 43 - A Song I Want to Reach You

    The ending of this arc was just awkward. And it was nice of the audience to not have a single person screaming "get a room!"
  6. fflogschampion

    The Holy Grail of Eris - Vol. 9 Ch. 41 - Deborah's Plot

    Mylene met her idol and she wasn't amused by it.
  7. fflogschampion

    Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete - Vol. 10 Ch. 50

    Utena is a genius.
  8. fflogschampion

    Nanjou-san wa Boku ni Dakaretai - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - Nanjou-san and shopping

    This went from "I can fix her" to "I can fix him" really fast, but then he pulled the uno reverse card. 2 chapters and what a ride.
  9. fflogschampion

    Watashi no Yuri wa Oshigoto desu! - Vol. 12 Ch. 58 - What I Want to Protect

    The punch was nice but when are they putting the sexual predator in some handcuffs and stripped uniform?
  10. fflogschampion

    The Holy Grail of Eris - Ch. 39 - Lily Orlamunde's Reminiscence (Part 4)

    So the prince married Cecilia to buy time too, huh? It seems they were aware that Cecilia was bad news all the way back, or at least that Scarlet was set up, wtf?
  11. fflogschampion

    Watashi no Yuri wa Oshigoto desu! - Vol. 12 Ch. 57 - Being Honest in Love

    I'm more interested in knowing more about Mai than Hime and Yano, she had nothing so far.
  12. fflogschampion

    Watashi no Yuri wa Oshigoto desu! - Vol. 12 Ch. 57 - Being Honest in Love

    As long as Goeidou doesn't learn about Kanoko's feelings for Hime this probably changes very little to Kanoko, which is pretty fucked up. She thinks she's messing up Kanoko big time too but other than the lessons learned it isn't interfering with her real crush. Officially released in English.
  13. fflogschampion

    Watashi no Yuri wa Oshigoto desu! - Vol. 11 Ch. 56 - For Onee-sama's Sake

    She should just reply with: "Ms. Youko, you know that girl is a minor, right? Think this through for a second." Anyways, I'm actually curious about her obsession with tormenting Sumika. Did Sumika kill her parents or something? Her just being a plain psychopath would be too boring of an outcome.
  14. fflogschampion

    When I Returned to My Hometown, My Childhood Friend was Broken - Ch. 31

    What a boring development. Like some others already pointed it's sad but it's not something that came from a named character agency and it automatically makes the other side of the story beyond redemption. There's no other angles to the story, or justifiable reasons behind their actions, or any...
  15. fflogschampion

    Houseki no Kuni - Vol. 12 Ch. 95 - End of the Fight

    I wonder if Phos is going through something like seeing all ofAdamant's memories in his life. It does sound like hell having your mind invaded like this by someone who had a past supposedly as tragic as Adamant.
  16. fflogschampion

    Kakkou no Iinazuke

    So the trend is changing these titles to whatever shitty title the official releases come up with? Then why not be consistent and do it to all series and not just some like this one?
  17. fflogschampion

    Yumekui Merry - Vol. 24 Ch. 141 - Dreams and Reality

    And it's over, what a long ride it was and the only thing I have to say about this chapter is... Ken you done my girl Isana dirty, muh ship needed to sail there ): Thanks to the translator for the good job as always!
  18. fflogschampion

    Uzaki-chan wa Asobitai! - Vol. 6 Ch. 60 - Kouhai and a Day Without Senpai

    I'm sure the author thought this was funny and all but he missed the mark by a lot.