I want to compress images by default coz i have an unstable internet connection but it's not the default settings. Also, default preload images went from 3 to 10..i'm not even sure how to feel about this update...i don't even know how data saver works, it was always ON but compressing image by...
Do we really need political threads on mangadex? It doesn't feel right that we have it here as well..sooner or later they're gonna flood these threads with their "expert political opinions" and hate.
Fuck me...these "politics experts" have invaded mangadex...can't u talk about these enough in social medias? Why bring it in a manga website? U dont get enough attention in there?
They still will underestimate summoners...all the summoners are trash except the main character. His class is a unique class anyway. Fuck's wrong with this author?
If u are the game company who made this virtual mmo..Why would u lock players for 3 days from in-game death? Isn't that the dumbest thing to do from a business perpective?
Good story but i still hate the title..why add "max level" if we dont see levels like in rpg games for these characters. Is it just a clickbait title? I mean, i can name 10 better titles for this series easily.
That kid tried to kill his teacher like it's a normal thing to do...i forgot what chapter 1 was all about but wtf happened to their old teacher if they ever had one in that class. God damn, im not sure if this is a stupid story or what.