Page 10 is an epic fail. Mira is now a ceiling decoration.
"Help me, hero, I'm stuck!"
Mira's solution for getting free was lewder than Haru's solution, lol.
Haru, hero. Really, Japan?
Until I see the appropriate markups, I don't think Ren is dead.
Anyways, how the hell does a giant acquire a powerful ice spell and manage to be as stealthy as a house cat?
Ren creating and firing that Air Barret remind me of the ONE time Gundam Dynames fired off its Super Substratospheric Altitude Gun.
That's one big mangy mutt put down.
Is Kuro a mother now? Cause that is the kind of stunt that mother cats often do.
No, Ren. Murdering that shithead merchant is the correct option. Just DO IT!