@kuroageha but it fits perfectly here. Mc is a described as being a looser even in the manga description to appeal to 90% of manga readers and he does not have any goals and does not need to work hard for what he wants because everything comes to him "naturally" (three cute girls that like him...
Its really easy to hate on this because mc is doing everything wrong but he does not suffer any consequences . Everything in this manga is set to revolve around mc and mc is the only person in the whole role who can do something about it. This is just pathetic self insert fantasy on the...
That cunt really did not have to stick her nose so far. She could have told this to the 2 guys without letting the teacher know and this whole drama would have been pointless. But regardless this is a korean drama so of course 90% of characters have an iq below 90
@kuma more like the faggot beta mc does not deserve any attention he gets from any of those girls. He did absolutely nothing to deserve their love and now acts like some tough shit. Even a person who has not recieved any love his whole life will realize how much of a scumbag he is if he thinks...
If she does not end up dead after this remember what the quest said " do not trust her" . I think she will end up turning Mr. Skeleton Man to the authorities
@nokuteshimo If I remember correctly in the case of The Legend of Maian is not the author's fault but the artist. He claimed he will take a short break to come up with an ending for the story but I think that was the last we ever heard of it.
Man this is such a great read . Hope you guys continue with this series. Also it feels cheap for the so called boyfriend to be the killer if I had to guess I would say we have yet to be introduce to the character of the killer.
I dont know what sort of resolution this was supposed to be. MC was a third wheel until the end and his relationship with the other 2 main characters is still awkward , he still does not act for himself only for others and he still did not made his own friends. I guess this sort of had a happy...