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    Shitsugyou Kenja no Nariagari ~Kirawareta Sainou wa Sekai Saikyoudeshita~ - Vol. 2 Ch. 14

    @Knighto She know about him, that the party had recently parted ways with a Necromancer that wasn't meshing well with the rest of the party. I doubt they mentioned it was a young boy, or that he was singlehandedly sweeping everything they fought.
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    Hitomi-chan wa Hitomishiri - Vol. 4 Ch. 47

    Last chapter sharkteeth Onii-san took a priceless pic, this chapter Imouto returns the favor with interest.
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    Giri-Giri Saegiru Katagirisan - Vol. 3 Ch. 30

    These two crazy bitches are going to come to a head. I can't decide if it'd be worse for him if they teamed up or began competing.
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    Haite Kudasai, Takamine-san - Vol. 4 Ch. 20 - Let Me Give You Some Advice

    Saw it coming as soon as the goth loli showed up. I'm fine with it so long as they keep showing up, some characters that just see right through Takamine's bullshit would be fun. But some actual conflict would be nice.
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    Hitomi-chan Is Shy With Strangers - Vol. 4 Ch. 46

    Calling it now, he took pics of everything and sent them to the little sister while he was cleaning up.
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    Takasugi-san no Chibiyan Hero - Vol. 2 Ch. 163 - What Are These Hands For

    That wasn't from the dolphins, Masakatsu managed to hold her hand.
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    Takasugi-san no Chibiyan Hero - Vol. 2 Ch. 160 - No Way! No Way! No Way! No Way!

    Observe, as this manlet impregnates a woman through sheer charisma.
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    Futanari no Elf - Ch. 19

    >Supersized >RAW My oh my!
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    Pansuto - Vol. 3 Ch. 22 - I'm overflowing

    @Samhill I admit I'm reading into it a little, but that's the only conclusion I can come to for that last line "A child, huh...", like she's mulling over the fact that despite being an adult, her first kiss was with a student, after Daichi admitted that it was his first kiss.
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    Pansuto - Vol. 3 Ch. 22 - I'm overflowing

    Two things I noticed- One, she was clearly embarrassed at showing Daichi the full sailor suit, but still did it anyway. Secondly, that last panel. I think it's implying that was her first kiss as well.
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    Fukushuu o Koinegau Saikyou Yuusha wa, Yami no Chikara de Senmetsu Musou Suru - Vol. 3 Ch. 21

    The more I read this series, the more I like it, and the more I understand why he went from bog-standard Isekai protag to CRAWLING IN MY SKIN.
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    Takasugi-san no Chibiyan Hero - Vol. 2 Ch. 128 - His Answer

    Oh shit, just straight out with it, well done.
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    Kyou Kara Ore wa Loli no Himo! - Vol. 4 Ch. 22 - Mooch House!

    Sana is the best loli. Touka is too innocent and pure, while Chizuru is cynical and dishonest with herself, typical tsundere shit. But Sana is almost as perverted as Sensei, as honest with her affection as Touka, and intelligent as Chizuru. She's the force that keeps the ball rolling where Touka...
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    The Duke of Death and His Black Maid - Vol. 10 Ch. 139 - To The Past

    My boy keeping his priorities straight!
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    My Recently Hired Maid Is Suspicious (Webcomic) - Ch. 18

    Oh no, she's beginning to lose control!
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    Karakai Jouzu no (Moto) Takagi-san - Ch. 143 - Crayon

    Goddamn, if they ever need to pick up some extra cash, either of them could fill in for the Art teacher.
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    Kawaikereba Hentai demo Suki ni Natte Kuremasu ka? - Vol. 6 Ch. 32

    Please stop with these lame ass meme translations. No one wants to read your jokes, we want the author's writing.
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    Sekkaku Cheat wo Moratte Isekai ni Ten'i shita n dakara, Suki na You ni Ikitemitai: The Comic - Vol. 3 Ch. 15

    I had my worries that this might get dull when mecha was introduced out of nowhere. My fears have been assuaged.
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    The Rise of the Unemployed Wise Man - Vol. 1 Ch. 1.2

    @pingustrategist Better, more stable income in it. Also he may have FUCKING NODENS as a familiar, but all he did was BTFO one of the Demon Lord's lackeys. The Demon Lord herself would probably put up a better fight.