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  1. L

    Milady Just Wants to Relax - Vol. 2 Ch. 10.1

    @hanaatsume Thanks for translating, obviously what you do is up to you but even if you end up dropping this, know it was appreciated.
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    Milady Just Wants to Relax

    First of all, thank you to both parties for translating. Threats in dms are absolutely not ok and y’all should cut that out stat. Are you kids or what. Harrassing a young translator over manga drama? Srsly? That being said, it’s a bit silly to be sitting on a series and telling people to stay...
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    Beware the Villainess!

    Small theory: one series does a feature coolly (this one) and in 2-3 months 40% of the new ones do the same thing. Therefor, prepare for swordmaster reincarnated villainesses everyone. Is this the birth of the otome shounen?
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    On one hand, I’d rather bathe with a toaster than read anymore of this. On the other, I keep on reading. The biggest crime that the main handsome-squidward looking boyo has perpatrated is that he’s so incredibly boring, the carriageman is a more compelling character. The carriageman whos...
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    Kyoudai Gokko

    ??? What was that ending? Rushed+typical shoujo cringy drama? + didn’t make sense? Seriously, what is it with shoujos and their obsession with ‘popular characters’ and ‘jealous fangirls’? Imagine, in real life, a newspaper club nosing around a family’s private matters and demanding them to admit...
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    Reiko no Fuugi: Akuyaku Reijou to Yobarete imasu ga, tada no Binbou Musume desu

    Is this connected to the Reika-sama chronicles? I really really like this one, the characters and pace and attention to detail are great. But if it ends up like the spoilers said, then I def don’t want to end up disappointed like that.
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    The Dark History of the Reincarnated Villainess

    Huh, this is pretty good. I didn’t think the beginning was cringey because I felt it was being sarcastic about self insert isekai and fanfics and how cringey the writers/readers sometimes are (we’ve all been there). That scene where heroine Konoha first shows up and OF COURSE that she’s...
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    My Life as an Internet Novel

    And she’ll wake up as a villainess in an old european style otome game.
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    The Great Wish

    Eh, idk, I’ll prob get hate for this or whatever but this is incredibly boring. The only unique thing is that like, the ML has dark eyes instead of the black hair + red/gold/blue eyed combo. Dropping.
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    Lady Baby

    I’m fine with Lippe taking advantage of the reincarnation to appear special (for instance, being a ‚genius’ is a great way to build influence), but I agree that there were a few moments that were pretty cringey and overkill. (When a baby, who doesn’t even have the motor functions to actually...
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    A Bellicose Lady Got Reincarnated?!

    I like it so far but the MC jumps a bit too much between ‚wa-wa-wa p-prince sama!’ and ‚i’m a yankee who can beat up 3 grown men even though i’m in a body that was sickly till now’.
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    The Villainess Is Adored by the Crown Prince of the Neighboring Kingdom

    I like the series but the one thing that makes me laugh everytime are the names. Tiararose, Aquasteed, Marine Forest. Did the author use a shoujo fantasy generator or somethin? They literally sound like out of My Little Pony. Otherwise, cute series with good art. The FL has been falling into the...
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    A False Confession

    I like both so I’ll be both sad and satisfied no matter what happens. But no matter what, I’ll feel bad for Cabel when he finds out the confession wasn’t meant for him. Thats top tier yikes material.
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    The Tyrant's Tranquilizer (Promo)

    The art is insanely good, too bad that its only a promo.
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    Lady Baby

    Tbh as much as I like reading this, all these kids falling in love left and right is so unbelievable lmao. Like seriously, at ~7 we were playing with mud pies and thought the opposite sex had cooties lmao. It doesn’t bother me at all with Lippe since she’s supposed to be reincarnated but the...
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    Virtues of the Villainess

    I actually love that the protagonist is such a brat lvl. 1 side character mean girl. Lets just hope that the prince is not the endgame ML. I love seeing the other side of the usual ‚reincarnated as a villain but I’m leagues above my rivals’ character which is Lerajie. I don’t mind her acting...
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    Nanchatte Cinderella Oukyuu Inbou Hen Isekai de, Outaishi hi Hajimemashita.

    Wait, so she’s the sole heir even though she’s younger than her half-siblings? What am I missing?
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    I Don't Want to Become Crown Princess!

    This is pretty uncomfortable to read... he tried to trap her with kids and when that didn’t work out he trapped her into marriage... this sounds like a literal nightmare. And he literally is ‚in love’ after seeing her once... soooo creepy.
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    Beware the Villainess!

    @Question2 I think the problem with most of these is that the villain premise is slapped on for easy misery porn and for an easy revenge story. ‚This body’s owner was the one doing bad things, not me! Why is everyone so mean to me while I’m being reasonable!’ is really easy to get behind when...
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    Nothing like having a ptsd flashback to the moment of your family’s massacre and regaining conciousness only to see the murderer of your family and servants in front of you, covered in blood. Blush blush so handsome kyaa kyaa.