all the people in the comments forget that royalty get away with a lot.
ISEKAI royalty can get away with torching a whole village. This is the best possible outcome. Maybe have his brothers kick his ass for a little bit.
I had high hopes from the starting chapters but now i just want it to end. Just go make a slice of life isekai since you really don't like fight scenes.
Rereading this, yeah the elf made a huge mistake in not telling him before he went to this school that she strengthens the target over the years. Why she didn't at least tell him the day before is beyond me.
He has his shit wayyyyy out of order,
1st: you get the money
2nd: you get the power
3rd: THEN you get the bitches
thats going to bite him in the ass if you tries to do something like that. Maybe the god sponsoring him is some guy out for revenge.