@HDMI1 i actually think it makes sense as its very shinto esque, he was in the spirit realm for a very long time and it would make sense he knew how to speak to spirits and considering that shinto(one of japans 2 major religions) consider everything to have a kami(using spirit or god is not...
@guih34 well the guy is in a kids body with everything that entails so ofc he will be a bit erratic his brain is not even fully developed and as for the girl i think she was taught the art of politics from a young age and therefor knows what to expect especially during the medieval age.
@1un2limited3access he made a deal with a dragon gaining the power to "Devour" which im guessing gives him the power(whether it means he gains the skills of those he eats or just gain mana from them we have to see) of those he eats.
@no168_92 it could work assuming 3 things 1 that you can get your agility up to the point where you will almost never get hit, 2 that you can maintain aggro mainly using heals and 3 to be able to survive those hits that breaks through.
@JavelinJoe he was just A programmer not THE programmer not everyone can know everything of what they are working on, could also be something unique to this world and notsomething that was in the game.