funny how Canute who once feared of harming others now become cursed and haunted from killing his rivals
while Thorfinn who killed tons of people recklessly, now swear not to use violence
this series hit you hard
now this is getting me back into this series
not liking the protag so much though, this kind of bratty revenge-driven characters usually end up hurting the whole series if they were to be the focus and show no growth
if you gonna snipe a translation at least do it properly...
i can accept the low quality scan but jesus the arial font in speech bubble is just horrible
imagine almost killing the demon master but then you got scolded by the people you helped to improve and then they kicked you out
what's with the Hunters back then lol
how is this series still holding its point at 8/10? If anyone can clarify it for me it would be great because I can't find this series good at all with this Sauvel's marriage arc
characters are all over the place, at one point they have this characteristic and then next chapter they turn 180...