Didn't read the original, but if this is the same author as Tomodachi Game, I'm on board.
Does anyone know why the original was axed if it was popular enough to get a reboot?
Yeah, sorry. I feel like this would be up my alley, but just pasting the translation below the original dialogue in raw scans is distracting. By what standard is that acceptable?
Minori has always been best girl, but credit to the author for at least trying to make Tsubasa less of a piece of driftwood hanging out at sea. Character development is nice. It just doesn't change how flavorless she is.
Honestly, harem endings work best when all the girls are likable with...
@WhoCares Reading the Jp text, I think the best translation would be "Even the Emperor Wants the Court Lady for a Bride". The way its written suggests the Emperor is included among the suitors, which matches up with the cover. He's probably not the main love interest, but he's the most notable...
Love it, thanks! If I had one complaint, it's that all the surnames are just plain romanizations. Can't we just put the names as "Elsenwand" and "Karlnier" or something to those effects?