Well as long the stories are being told in right pace , im actually fine with troll scanlation like this . I mean we still got the right progress of the story right ?
I really guess either diedhauser pasts are really dark with connection with demonfolk or beastfolk or either he is literally had mental illness and psychopath that really enjoy to killing other races
@Ainzell , i actually refer this chapter https://ww3.mangafox.online/kumo-desu-ga-nani-ka/vol-3-bonus-short-comic-another-reincarnation-1450723847392267
But maybe this can satisfy you too https://mangadex.org/title/23774/tensei-shitara-dragon-no-tamago-datta-ibara-no-dragon-road
Why the heroine looks like heroine from mysteria friends , they also named anne . Just change the colour of hair from yellow to pink and change a letter to e and done. Anyway thx for translation