ok nani dafug
i have new found confusion
didnt f(m)MC got 10mil from helping the hospital wheelchair girl
why would he retreat back to his home when he got that much money?
also i thought its now obvious hes trying to hide his identity from the retard with the gun?
now hes stronger so he...
overall the art style is different from the one before
but definitely not in a bad way
and the speed up to catch up to where it was axed
tbh i prefer this way
rather than starting over
both acknowledging previous work
and dont require us readers to read the same thing again
if this is really the...
very interesting anime tarkov with some si fi horror mixed in it
i love it lol
for a machine TL it didnt feel all that bad
ive seen way way worse
this is fine, this is good actually
better than no one doing TL thats for sure
this manga gets worse per chapter
and i cant stand every stupid face the character makes
its like they cant stay serious and get their character settings ruined
now i get it, thx
tbh my brain had a hard time keeping up with this manga for some reason
it rarely happens but was quite often with this partically manga
i was gonna say why this title sounds generic af and boring
its actuslly alright
the art is good
characters look decent, no monke brains(yet)
now iamma sit at the couch and wait
the anime is pure trash
faces are all weird
movements cringy af
not to mention its this manga
at least the manga made every scene either eye-pleasing or wholesome
but man the anime, how did it made pass quality check
this one stand apart from all the other villainess as "The" villainess title
a daughter usually of high social status dont become monke brain over jealousy or simple provokation, it should be in their life's education as the stutus suggest
and of course, the power and connection such status...