Physical damage due to emotional damage :LOL:
"If you see one, there are probably hundreds more hiding out there" = cockroach and other known household pests
Yeah, it might probably become like in the Ore no Shibou Flag manga, where the MC might be able to find a middle-ground where he and the OG persona can function as one. After all, Rudeth's brother was the one who cursed him after all. Maybe if he manages to kick that brother out of the picture...
Thanks for the new double-chapter!
Damn, I hate that the 'original' persona is still there. I've read other stories with similar premise but having a persistent persona like this really is a pain to deal with.
Klaus probably was too jaded of the way the higher nobilities do such kind of political disputes (like from his experiences before), that he manipulated things towards a swift resolution.
Vel should get Klaus to be his clan's intelligence officer.
Liz's Quest Marker is as OP as Claus' Auto-Return Home (Claus' only 'Auto' ability when it was just level 1).
Overall, it looks like they both got some limited divine skills, like a limited omniscience for Liz and a limited omnipotence for Claus.
MC just emanated his Yamcha spirit back there.
But I kinda expected there will be tears when he feels the warmth of a 'complete family' he once had before.
But good for him, he and Umi's gonna Smash later on.
Ruck stripping off his backpack is like him spreading himself to her for a honeymoon bed.
In a way, he just technically bared himself raw for a hardcore gladiatorial duel against Chloe.