Commenting here because we probably see this scene in 1 or 2 weeks. I hope they do a good job of animating the scene.
Also, with the pacing of the anime, I can't see how they will finish the story in 24 episodes.
I...uh...not sure about this chapter. But I can, at the very least, say that taking your female subordinate to a strip club is kinda weird way of wanting her to have fun.
Sweet. I like how the story is developing.
On an unrelated note, I hope that when this gets animated, it will be popular and the principal gets noticed. I love her design and personality so far and I want her as a figurine.
Feels like there are some stories the author want to tell but decided not to (or can't). Whatever it is, this series still ended in a good note and I love all the time I read this.
Also glad the author decided not to talk about that one annoying guy again. EVER.