I've head that in the legends of ancient times, mermaids and sirens would take men to their deaths.
Pretty glad to see a mermaid drag total shitheads to Davy Jones' locker.
Tuberculosis is truly an ancient murderer of mankind. Takiko and her mom have truly shit luck to be infected by an active form of TB, especially given TB infection and death rates in Japan. Her mom had horrible luck to die from it.
Nobles are so useless. All they do is have meetings with each other while accomplishing fuck all.
Throwing the monarchy's trash into the harbor and starting a war against them.
It can be concerning when the kill-crazy blood knight gets exhausted. I go that nuts in the violent video games I play, and just a couple hours of intense combat can mentally feel a lot longer.
Page 23. Bottom left panel. Lower speech bubble. The "to" should be removed.
I have seen far dumber and crazier stuff than this.
I have also seen drastic art evolution from some authors over the years. If you want a good example, compare the very first page of El Goonish Shive against the latest page of that webcomic.