Shida's keikaku is dumb. I mean, she could have just accepted his confession and won on the spot.
I hope the new big boobed girl wins just to shove it in both of these girls' faces.
LOL me, once Physalis revealed her true self I lost interest in thinking of ways to save her lol. I went back and looked and it's true Physalis never directly answers Alba.
I guess it's like this:
Physalis only hears negative thoughts except the MC
Princess is seen and heard by every living...
No wonder his master is yandere. 100 years of seeing everyone as a monster except the MC would make her an instant yandere.
Also - I wonder who cursed these girls. Doesn't seem like the hunter is cursed, she's just hot and evil.
... I mean she's just evil.
@Claith milder yanderes like the witch girl here are often quite nice when they have what they want. The "yan" only comes out when their equilibrium is upset.
Mia is still a stupid, selfish little scamp. She's just doing what she can to avoid Robespierre.
Though I think with Abel and now Chloe, she is showing some signs of growth.
Sexy stacked megane teacher seems like she's out of comission so we get another sexy stacked megane. Awesome.
Well, guess we'll see how this noble twit gets humiliated next chapter.
The existential horror for her is worse than the others because, looking objectively at it, she realizes she's hopelessly outmatched. She's in a situation where she has to basically get her manga to be a success before she's tortured for eternity.
@cgr this series has a different "goal" as well. 5toubun was part mystery - trying to use the clues to figure out who the bride was. This isn't a mystery.
@cgr this isn't being done by Negi Haruba though. That would be like arguing we can use Rurouni Kenshin as a basis for figuring out how One Piece will end because Oda was an assistant on Rurouni Kenshin and they're both action shonen series.
@FeBriz I think he'd like a word with you, as he was actually a Duke.,_10th_Duke_of_Alburquerque
I wonder if the conquering prince remembers her from the previous timeline. It's interesting that she seems to have kept all of her physical skills across timelines.
@SiKucing the crazy thing about Hideyoshi was that, logically speaking, they should've been all over his verifiably female twin sister, but they were not.