@Buraindo it's interesting that he has the teenage picture of Hasuki up, not her adult version. I guess Hasuki died to him when she went West to be an actress.
Wow, did Scott lose at life or what? He was pathetic in the wedding too.
WOOOOOOOOOW TERIA. Just WOW. Took the title of hottest girl and ran away with it. Those are fantastic.
Maru being a responsible banker is funny but I guess he grew up lol.
Somali being a wrestler is fitting. I still think...
I can't believe people are actually shipping her with him. I mean, I figured people were rooting for her to become her son's mom again - and if you were going to ship her with anyone it would be her former husband.
@Amduscas The girl in the cover photo has been pretty inoffensively ... okay. Though she hasn't had the opportunity to do much else yet. Other than the maid she'd been "best" girl almost by default.
@mismarca Yeah, she's pretty next level with those. Pamela must have some crazy charisma, because from what I can tell, she and Connie are about even physically, and then Connie is a huge sweetheart.
Olivia and Angelica look amazing in those panels. Olivia in particular is actually hiding that level of explosiveness. Both of them are top tier. And don't worry Angelica, the prince just has bad taste.
Interesting that Leon has figured out Marie is a reincarnator but she hasn't considered that...