Two years shy but it does feel like he could be an honorary member. Technically there's nothing saying ONLY members of the 27 club can be crossroads ghosts. That said the writer probably has very limited knowledge about 90s hiphop or late 2000s American music so those two are probably unlikely.
When he said " I eat more chicken than any man ever seen" I felt that. I love that Morison has ghost booze he can throw. It's kinda weird to say but It feels weird that Kurt is the youngest. Honestly makes me wish they included Winehouse.
I'll be honest. I hate big bro. I get the overprotective older brother trope and why it exists but its so annoying to see him get in the way and also that Uchiji doesn't say anything about it. Let your little sister live, dude. You're like 30.
Im not usually the "if it were me" kinda guy but goodness this MC. Just accept the tip you weirdo. You're giving her your time and your time is valuable.
I love this series but even I agree the last arc kinda runs on too long. That being said this is still one of my favorite manga and it'd be fun if we got more. Gonna check out that anime now.