Rubeus is such a psychopath ! With ally like that, you don't need enemies !
The audacity to think he know what's best for his prince to such an extend :')
If it's like in my country, she can't chose her internships, it's chosed by the administration (public school)
If it's a private school... maybe it was easier to get an internship here, since the director seems to know her.
It's right Shirota is a beautifull and cool woman ! The kind with this "hansome" charm yet still feminine !
She got converted so quickly XD !
Nobody's safe from Ishikawa's propaganda !
I'm glad this manga is so wholesome that EVEN THE KITTIES got their happy endings ! They are now living their best life at the cat café !
Those two girls might be dramatically different... but share the same kind heart !
Shirayuki is such a beautifull and cute Mama !
The lord is testing me, but, I must not lewd her ! She's too adorable for that ! (Her Husband is so luckyyyy TxT)