@Vangui wow, freakin good catch, the mangaka I kinda knew, but it would have taken me a re-reading for the editor (and maybe even then,it might've slipped my mind!)
My most sincere fear is that ohma ends up with secretary...kidding, well not so much lol
Ohma better get that college girl 😎
On a more serious note, anyone else think that heart is a bomb, or something? Hmm...
Of everything that happened thus far cow cow was the most shocking../jk
Still tho, while I enjoyed a lot this arc, I thought it was basically the end for them...there's still more?! Idk if I should be happy or worried..
(Sayin that cause I can read it from a comfortable couch at home, ouch...
...mmm, I'll give it a try, but a korean HS full of chinese names..who are transfer students, who are bullied? Whut?
I mean, was mentioning that it was a korean school relevant at all? Just confused
My most sincere thanks, reading this series gives me all kind of feelings and that you work so hard for it and share it with us makes me so happy, in my case, I had a kind of a shitty day at work.
But now?
My giggles and laughs and worries for ErinxRowan gives me so much to look forward to...