Fucking hell, this dude is as spineless as ever. I know she's insanely hot, but come on. There's no way the potential sex could be worth putting up with this behavior.
These short chapters are driving me insane. I'd rather wait a month and get more than just five panels of brief dialogue, followed by a massive cliffhanger.
No, I've not had my fill. I'm betting this still won't change anything. It'll probably be another 20 chapters before he finally decides to thank her for the eraser now that he knows.
Hanako deserves to suffer if she's gonna keep acting like this. It'd be dope if we actually saw this natural chemistry between MC and Kamogawa develop into something more serious, and it then spurned Hanako into changing, but of course, this isn't that type of manga. Lame.
>squeezes him, pressing her tits firmly up against him
>compliments his body after putting her arms around him
But we're supposed to believe she's an airhead that has no idea how her actions are affecting him? Only the most oblivious jackass would interpret her behavior as totally innocent.
Looks like someone already mentioned that the gyaru is basically a Manic Pixie Dream Girl. The only twist is that instead of a petite, pale-skinned girl with dark hair, she's a big-titty, tanned-skin girl with blond hair.
Let's be honest, Raian didn't even notice that knife. But of course, it'll be caught on camera, and the mangled corpse will also be disqualified, somehow making this fight a "draw" lmao.