Hey the last two chapters have our favorite robo-man couple. I like how Mina completely has very priority straight. Her husband is more important than children yeah?
Think. Why did she started vtubing in the first place? Because she likes them? No. The main reason she started was because her shitty ass parents didn't give her the emotional care she needed.
Her trash father going on about how the future of vtubing isn't stable, how it's just a fad, while...
The title and the content is... she only title dropped it once, and then there's barely any connection as she simp for the glasses.
I dunno, I expected more assholes I guess. I expected her to fight the evil men (specifically men because of the title) who only saw her as a cute dress up doll.
Hey kids, remember that transition panels are important.
Let's take our example, the last panel, the crying panel. If only there is one more panel showing her crunched face before she's crying, then the impact of the crying panel would be greater.
That's the base nature of humanity at its best. Despite everything, humans are still animals. Our base instincts are violence. That's just how we are. The only difference between us and other animals is just that we have evolved/were created (or both, whichever you like) with a higher capacity...