Can someone explain me the "I didn't order a beer!" please?
Haha maybe it's just me being dense cause I do work with clients that seriously change their minds After we bring them what they want..
What really stuck me most about this chapter is that we
(at least on our universe and side of things)
we remember "witches" being bad and stuff...and having brimhats
Just an observation that's all
Honestly? Ririsu takes better care of eve than tarou. And eve herself is pretty "wise", even considering the whole ~living only for tarou~ premise she is confined to.
We all know how it's gonna end, and tarou's not a bad guy, just kinda dumb. Ideally ebino should see zombies and live happy...
Scores aside cause it was already explained, @Qelix has a point with how pres went full out cold towards kaguya.
Tho I have hopes the author will explain it all, after all it's the same genius of love (hehe) that planned all those part1 part2 chapters.
Also props to @Schlaefer for actually...
Wait, remind me who's a love rival to who? lol
but what I love about this manga is that there isn't romance drama at all, much less stupid triangles (that go even to hectagons). It's shown with a nice pace and feeling, superb great
Ok guys, while I'm not on anyone's side, just reading to finish this ride, it was more the series of misunderstandings and that blonde chic the true root of all, ain't not? like any other drama out there. But that's just my opinion