@Rinabow she's closeted masochist and praying for a retaliation from him
okay, maybe not exactly, but i guess the sex is good enough for him to carry on with his 'slightly' feisty GF
One of the isekai manga adaptations apparently condensed ENTIRE VOLUME of content into one chap
and people are happy as fuck because said volume was worthless nothingburger
so yeah, the more number autism mangaka discards while keeping core intact the better for us
The knight lass is warlock's descendant, right?
So headcanon confirmed, while in short bout of clarity old fart decided to conjure a boy for his little granddaughter
well, I think Mongolian Conquests fit all three
They weren't useful for everyone, that's given, and especially not to those raped, murdered and genocided, but they 'were' useful
I did not see that coming
I fully expected the girl to be absolutely oblivious airhead that makes Takamine SEETHE by failing to notice every jab and stab from our autistic tsundere