Suzumiya Kaede is a girl's name. I know a lot Japanese names tend be used for both genderz, but the name Kaede is a commonly used girl's name.
Beh. Don't like it.
Other than that, this isekai has pretty much checked off all the generic tropes. Was the Mangaka trying even a little?
The one thing I don't care for about this character is his silence and how easy he gets swept up in everyone else's flow. It's like it's too much of a pain to do otherwise.
Pg 16. As I've said before, chicks are not in to tentacles. Enough with the tentacle play!
Also, that shark monster was pretty gnarly. I'd piss myself if that jumped out of the ocean at me.
Speak unnecessary things and unnecessary people will appear
That is a truth of life statement right there. Yare yare!
Also, wondering when this is getting the Shoujo Ai tag. It's pretty much earned it by now, don't you think?
Right. Because it's actually honest. Honesty in reporting! Imagine that!
This was a great chap. Rise up my ugly and disfigured brothers and sisters! Rise up!!!
I've never met a girl who liked getting violated by tentacles. Weird, right? Anyway, not my thing and I wish they would come up with some fresh ideas.
I like the dark elf girl and the idea of making her into a powerful sorcerer slave.
This poor kid has suddenly become the school sex ed teacher. For crying out loud, at least pay the boy!
Also, totally did not see that whole vibrator thing coming.
Are the two of you dating?
Are you stalking?!
Should be the appropriate response, but they will probably just ignore that and act as if it's perfectly fine to follow them around and take pictures of them.
A sudden request. What could it be?
Uhh, gee. I wonder. Could it have to do with making his sister (and whole family) a bed???
No, no, no. Couldn't be that.
Executed for making a bad bed.... Sadly, that is realistic with these douchebag nobles.
Of course, that won't be happening to our boy. I just hope the artist doesn't start depicting all night bedgasms from this little rich bich.
@Trenslime That sounds like a pretty amazing idea. ROFL
I love the back and forth.
I only see 2 pretty girls here
He's talking bad about you,Carol.
Also, how did those two suspicious dudes at the end happen to know every one of these guys' skills given to them by the Gods? Aren't those abilities supposed to be a closely kept secret? Pretty weak...