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  1. A9DOC

    Dosanko Gal wa Namaramenkoi - Vol. 4 Ch. 34

    Thanks for all the chapters.
  2. A9DOC

    Ace of Diamond - Vol. 46 Ch. 407 - Desire to Keep Pitching

    AAAH! Only a little left! Thanks a ton for uploading!
  3. A9DOC

    Ace of Diamond - Vol. 39 Ch. 344 - New Frontier

    Thank you very much for another chapter.
  4. A9DOC

    Omaera Zenin Mendokusai!

    While incredibly generic, I'm only on and off reading because of the artwork. Really hits the spot for me. I do think it's time to end this (it should've ended more than 20 chapters ago).
  5. A9DOC


    Thanks for the reply. I guess sometimes Japanese is weird like that. Issak will bother me until the end of times.
  6. A9DOC


    Death Toll Scans, thanks for translating this manga first and foremost. It's a manga that needs just that little bit of polish to be a nice "what if" take in historical genres. What keeps bothering me however, is the name Issak. Why have you guys translated the name this way? I know it's...
  7. A9DOC

    Koisuru Yankee Girl - Vol. 2 Ch. 20

    Completely forgot about this, thanks for bringing it back.
  8. A9DOC

    Gyaru genre list can't go past page one. :not a bug:

    Ah, I see. Thank you all for the responses.
  9. A9DOC

    Gyaru genre list can't go past page one. :not a bug:

    When I try to go past page one of the gyaru genre list it shows me an empty page with page numbers. Tested this on another browser too.
  10. A9DOC

    Mado Kara Madoka-chan

    Pretty interesting. Not sure why "Ano.." wasn't translated to "Hmm" or something along those lines. Thanks for picking this up.
  11. A9DOC

    Haritoge Kuremi to Ou no Ie

    Pretty amusing, thanks for picking this up.
  12. A9DOC

    Mairimashita! Iruma-kun - Vol. 4 Ch. 26 - Kirio's Hidden Room

    Thanks for the translation. There were a lot of linebreaks and usage of '-' in this chapter, and it was a bit off-putting to read. Take that as you will, looking forward to next release.
  13. A9DOC

    Kuro no Shoukanshi - Vol. 2 Ch. 10 - Demon III

    Why was shit censored? I'm enjoying the translation, but censoring something like shit seems a little extreme to me. Thanks for the uploads.
  14. A9DOC

    I Love My Yandere Neko Girlfriend (New)

    I thought this was a parody at first. This is, however, trash.