Yeah, and the never have moats, tranches, barbicans, water defenses, various traps and various obstacles that would render difficult the acces to the walls in the first place! Not to mention what you have pointed out, the various arrow slitts, machicolation or hoarding, gatehouse or better know...
Oh,the classic roman "thumb down" that Hollywood got completely wrong! Thumb up meant death or "put the sword under his neck"! Yeah, history and Hollywood is an oxymoron!
My bet is someone is taking advice of everybody, maybe the cult, but it would be more interesting if they are being also used! Hate spurs hate, and hate spurs violence, and violence spurs more violence!
Love how our MC is dense, not even being aware of the crazy stunts he's pulling! Even if in his auto-mode he purposely blindfolds the donkey, but he never questions it! :kek:
Actually, having his skill defeated, makes Gaine obsession "valid" in his eyes! Considering he definitely has mental...
@aveney41 tbh, he should have realize it already! Why else an S party wants his aid? A whole town praised him and the ex party member girl apologised...all should raise some confidence, but no! Mentioning a black mage being his opposite his first thought was "oh, I'm the weakest"... yeah, it's...
I read the same article and immediately bookmark the site! Dude is my type of nerd! :pepela:
Btw, as a history nerd, it really pisses me off how the walls or ramparts are depicted in, mostly, all media from movies, comics or manga! It's like people in antiquity were retarded! Even if this is a...
Dude needs therapy ASAP!! Beside he's whole attitude is servile! There's not wrong helping people, even when you're not expecting something in return! But not when you're being taken advantage of! Imo, he should go back and confront Ruby once for all, close that chapter of his life so he can...
Well, better late then never...I guess? :aquadrink:
And maybe you guys from GD could translate the Story & Characters? There's not so much text and it would definitely help readers with such long time between uploads
You should do what makes you happy, not what makes other happy! Ofc if you're not hurting anyone! People who really care about you will love you regardless! :thumbsup:
It's actually thanks to Marim luck he got out of this mess! Really hope they continue to adventure together! And really, should let her ride him and activate auto-return! Show you're a man :thumbsup:
Tbh, both those arguments have fallacies!
I say, if you're strong and powerful you can (should) be kind and merciful (when needed ofc)
But the other way around is not really feasible, isn't it :pepehmm:
Btw, I need to go check my sugar levels! The sugar is killing me :worry: