Sorry, I only did these chapters as a way to give a friend closure with the anime having ended. I would have gone back to do the rest, but I couldn't find all the raws. If you have 1-19 raw, feel free to hit me up and I can get on those.
I noped out of Hajimete no Gal almost immediately due to MC's expressed disdain of the poor cute gal he deceives. This series seems to be on its way to doing much better.
I was dead from all those pinup pages. And all the color pages after just feel like Tokunou art flexing. (You can tell the backgrounds aren't just a photoshop filter over the photos, but painted over.)
Au contraire.
It's pretty clear at this point that Nagatoro has some wires crossed with how she expresses herself. "Gross" is pretty much a term of endearment for her at this point.