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  1. saxifraga

    Usogui - Vol. 44 Ch. 478 - My Invincible Darling

    So basically the whole Nowa family is in the Kakerou business. Lol
  2. saxifraga

    Usogui - Vol. 44 Ch. 476 - The Entrusted Handkerchiefs

    @catx3 Now that you mentioned it, Ryuusei informing Baku about that call does seem weird, and knowing this series it's probably something significant, or else it wouldn't be focused on in two different chapters. Good catch. As to what it relates to however, I honestly haven't a clue. Though the...
  3. saxifraga

    Usogui - Vol. 44 Ch. 474 - Leader's Attendant

    Is it just me or does Hal seem really paranoid? It's like he's trying to guess every minute action Baku takes, and what it relates to. Maybe Baku's right. Maybe Hal is actually scared of him.
  4. saxifraga

    Usogui - Vol. 43 Ch. 472 - After Paying The Price

    I'm so hyped for this! The wait will be tough. Thank you, Team Duwang!
  5. saxifraga

    Usogui - Vol. 43 Ch. 471 - The Puppets

    @Ghetsis "Couldn't you say a similar thing about Baku/Hal/Vincent?" Yeah, sorry, that's what I was trying to get at. It leads back into me saying Arata seems portrayed as above them, despite him essentially being in the same standing money/resources wise. But after sleeping it over, I'm not...
  6. saxifraga

    Usogui - Vol. 43 Ch. 471 - The Puppets

    @Petrichormus @Ghetsis Yeah, I get what you guys are saying. And to be fair, the general issue I take might just be a preference thing. I suppose I'm just not the biggest fan of Arata coming off like this nebulous figure, above everyone else. I mean, I said that the narrative felt as if it...
  7. saxifraga

    Usogui - Vol. 43 Ch. 471 - The Puppets

    Yeah, I hate to say this, but I'm not really a fan of this chapter. I don't think I would've minded this development if more focus was actually put on this whole Arata subplot, but it was just so overshadowed by everything else that took place during this arc. I mean, we have this fake Arata...
  8. saxifraga

    Usogui - Vol. 43 Ch. 470 - The Slave In His Heart

    "We could say someone cursing his own life, no matter how blessed his is, is the real slave." I quite like that line.
  9. saxifraga

    Usogui - Vol. 43 Ch. 469 - Air Poker's Epilogue

    @Nehona Personally, Baku's aloof nature is a huge draw for me, especially as the titular character of the series. With Baku being so mysterious, following his journey as a reader sorta elicits the same feelings others within the story tend to convey about him (i.e. questioning and being equally...
  10. saxifraga

    Usogui - Vol. 43 Ch. 467 - Deserve To Suffer

    Wow. I guess Baku really did goad Lalo. Gave him that false sense of hope before crushing it in his face. Honestly, I don't remember Baku being this ruthless since maybe back during the abandoned building gamble? The dude can be pretty scary. It's easy to forget that with him being such a dork...
  11. saxifraga

    Usogui - Vol. 43 Ch. 466 - A Man Of Diamonds

    For a second there I honestly thought Lalo was going to go out gracefully, but I suppose the match isn't technically over until one of them dies. Lalo's grasping any last opportunity he can get. With that being said though, I can't help but feel Baku goaded Lalo to do this. Swimming near him...
  12. saxifraga

    Usogui - Vol. 43 Ch. 465 - His True Ally

    Isn't the drowning punishment a little disproportionate compared to the others? I mean, it's not just pain, it's straight up choking the life out of you. Lol Anyway, great chapter. If it wasn't obvious before, I'd say it is now: Hal seems to truly care about Baku. Makes me wonder how...
  13. saxifraga

    Usogui - Vol. 42 Ch. 461 - The Uncovered Landmine

    @Veshv Hmm, I don't know. That last chapter sorta threw me for a loop. Baku's thoughts made it seem like (to me) that Lalo betting wasn't necessarily a good thing. No, yeah, that's what I meant to say. Not actually from the very start, but like you said, essentially from the time Baku realized...
  14. saxifraga

    Usogui - Vol. 42 Ch. 461 - The Uncovered Landmine

    @cromat At first I was going to dismiss this idea, but after skimming over this chapter a few more times, I'm wondering if this could actually be a possibility. If you think of it from that perspective, when Baku says "if Lalo had folded right now, this would've ended easily already", could...
  15. saxifraga

    Usogui - Vol. 42 Ch. 460 - The Scanning 1 Air-bios

    So wait, why did Baku max bet? Isn't that just hinting at him having a contingency plan? I mean, it looks like Lalo figured it out at the end of this chapter, so I'm a little confused. Edit: Actually never mind. I'm dumb. I was under the assumption that they both had the same amount remaining...
  16. saxifraga

    Usogui - Vol. 42 Ch. 455 - The Thread Of Memories Woven Together

    Ah, so that "aliens" comment takes on a whole new meaning now.
  17. saxifraga

    Usogui - Vol. 42 Ch. 454 - A Small Trigger

    Oh man, that ending! Instantly recognizable. I always loved that first introduction of Souichi from hangman. Something about eerie, enigmatic character traits I can't get enough of.
  18. saxifraga

    Usogui - Vol. 42 Ch. 453 - The Strongest 4 Cards

    @Solano I mean, Baku did say he wanted "world peace". And as vague of a statement that is (assuming he actually means it), becoming leader of Kakerou would be a good start in pursuing it I suppose. Lol
  19. saxifraga

    Usogui - Vol. 42 Ch. 451 - The Shriek Of The Bird Of Prey

    I know it's natural for these two to be scared (given the machines they're hooked up to), but it's still weird seeing them sweating bullets. They give off such an air of intimidation -- seeing them in any other disposition beyond inscrutable almost seems out character for both. Very interesting.