this is good
i just hope it doesn't turn into to complete boys love, since in essence they only like each others' girl sides so they are still straight
You know guys not every protagonist in a harem story has to be a harem-seeker/alpha type sometimes these type of MC's just need a second to completely grasp what's going on around them and try to come to a solid decision also @Pnutz and @Fucking_Idiot if did sleep with any of them without...
when the envy for the protagonist of a harem romantic comedy turns to pity
These types of chapter always comes soon or later though seeing Sagari's jealous/angry expression definitely was a treat since the other girls had already been behaving that way
P.S. I really feel that the author's...
is it just me or does Fooly(the male mc) seem to have only female friends also this story seems to have become somewhat of a harem although everyone still knows how infatuated Fooly is with Leo