Why are some comments overly dramatic in regards to the guy? I could understand if he had done them any significant harm but as far as I remember the most he did were somewhat dickish comments. Or did I forget something?
You know he can still open doors and stuff so shouldn't he be able to trigger direct mechanical traps like trapdoors or mechanical arrow launchers? If a dungeon goes for old school trap that might cut his life short. Edit: I say directly before reading the pages where his companions drop...
Honestly I never liked the plot making her this stupid. Yeah MC is also quite stupid but with her it is amusing with the antagonist girl it is just kinda sad and hard to believe how little she understands her surroundings.
But is very much still is a world where might makes right, the city has decided that the area is their territory and you have to have documents they accept to claim otherwise. Guy lived there for generations and now someone powerful decided they want the land. At most collections of humans have...
"she cannot run easily with full armor on, but with just the shield, she still can run while doing defense move...."
The beginning of this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzTwBQniLSc gives a decent picture for how you run in plate armor, pretty well that is. It isn't great for...
@shira952 the girl can only see the small fry, the guy probably has pretty good defenses and knows what he is doing. (mangadex comment section really could use a proper reply function.)
You know that you can use your bloodline on people as long as it isn't a direct attack on their body sounds a bit like it unfairly favors mental influences and similiar stuff.
"I actually don't know why they disappear", 3 years without figuring that out is impressive^^ (Though I guess if they avoid talking about that in their culture and he can't ask to keep his cover...)