Sucks to be Kazuya right now. I can see why pillow girl likes to collect lewd dreams. When she is feeling lonely she just has to pick the pillow she is in the mood for.
Seeing the elf and her cruel master once could just be background. Twice and I think this is building to something. Rich boy is most likely about to get himself killed and provide the main with some vanilla to go with his chocolate.
Hajime accidentally slays another one (and in front of her dad). Its frustrating watching an adult main who is even more dense than I am.
At least Natalie got a nice mop upgrade out of all that.
Interesting. It sounds like he is accusing her of the very crime he committed. A corpse come back to life - like what you might feel from dead jeweled eyes implanted in someone?
When the tech finally exists, a game like this would be a great way to learn skills you can take into real life. Id pass on the Ramsey treatment though.
What a wonderful way to start a chapter.
Considering he hasn't touched Rangii the gods must have some odd standards of decency. That or they have seen him with the other lolis and want to be safe.