Again another promising fantasy series that's gonna die because MC isn't male and most japanese people like male mc with harem in fantasy worlds scenarios.
This scoop power is so original. Not like those copy pasta fantasy mangas you see everyday. I respect author's work for coming with something original rather than some plain old magic powerup or sword master stuff.
@BigCoffee @Tadaiima They were talking about another series called Ookii Onnanoko wa Suki Desu ka?
This one is different, it's just a side comedy panel manga with some romance
@Patchyknows He'd get any of the other girls if he did the same thing, the only reason he failed to get the previous girls' attention before was that he always stated he wanted to see those panties before initiating a real conversation.
@101010101 I recall she was taken away by evil dark spirit masters because Xiao Ma Tao has also become an evil spirit master because her chaotic fire went out of control.