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  1. K

    Baki-Dou (2013) - Vol. 19 Ch. 168 - Unfelled Will

    Baki and Hanayama's bromance is one of the best recurring elements of this entire series.
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    Kumika no Mikaku - Vol. 6 Ch. 38 - The Thing I Love the Most

    I would have loved to see more. More aliens. More holidays. More food. I can respect the author going out on a high point, before things got stale, but this really was a great series.
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    One Morning I Woke Up - Oneshot

    "I'm so sorry. He's not with us anymore... because he's been released from the hospital!" This is like an Arrested Development gag
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    Magical☆Change - Vol. 3 Ch. 20 - Finale Magical Boy and Demon Lord

    It never was a very serious story, but... come on, man. You can do better than that.
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    Baki Dou - Vol. 19 Ch. 164 - Palace of Flesh

    Thanks for picking this up again. Too many of the Baki series were left unfinished before the next one was picked up.
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    Smash Bomber

    I read the entire thing and I still don't even understand how the game is played or what the fuck is going on.
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    Nibun no Ichi Boyfriend

    This is really kind of... not all that good.
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    What a goddamned mess.
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    @Tcof That's just wrong and you know it. Where this series is now and where it started may as well be two entirely different series. This isn't a series that started strong then slowed down. This is a series that started strong, then crashed in a Hot Topic. It's an edgy, ridiculous mess that is...
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    Starts really strong. The first chapter is good enough to stand on it's own. Falls apart and never gets even close to being half as good as where it started. It's almost a joke how bad it gets.