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    Karakai Jouzu no (Moto) Takagi-san - Ch. 23 - Coffee

    yeah thats cool or whatever, but i would much rather see chi being cute than her teasing nishikata again. theres an entire other manga for that.
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    Karakai Jouzu no (Moto) Takagi-san - Ch. 19 - Loop

    am i the only one that is kinda annoyed by the whole takagi (now nishikata) never loses thing
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    Komi-san wa Komyushou Desu. - Vol. 22 Ch. 285 - I don't like it, but I'm not against it. That's all.

    honestly i dislike the way the author writes komi's speech patterns recently. when she does speak, it's incredibly long, and there seems to be no hesitation anymore? i dont get it.
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    Otaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii - Vol. 9 Ch. 69

    kou-kun has shown literally 0 signs of being offended by female pronouns, and is openly female. not to mention there was an entire conflict where kou-kun was scared to wear "feminine clothes", although she wanted to, because she was afraid they wouldn't suit her... so, i don't really get why the...
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    Otaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii - Vol. 9 Ch. 68

    "men only want one thing and its fucking disgusting" what men want:
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    Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Vol. 20 Ch. 171 - The Girlfriend and the Date (?)

    why is kazuya such a horrible person around chizuru... i honestly find myself really liking him in chapters based around sumi, and although he does questionable things with ruka, i would say he is still a decent person with her. but when the chapters are based on chizuru, he's just an...
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    Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Vol. 20 Ch. 170 - The Girlfriend and the Agony of Love

    oh? progress? for once? holy fuck thank you author
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    Horimiya - Vol. 16 Ch. 119.7 - Twenty Years Before

    how do people like hori bro... she literally fucking slapped miyamura for talking to another girl. read that sentence again if you aren’t already convinced she’s a bad girlfriend.
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    Sensei wa Koi wo Oshierarenai - Vol. 4 Ch. 22

    @Quickshot76 your argument is solid, but i think there is simply a better way to resolve it. my point is they need to have that awkward and crushing conversation. just explicitly saying "no" when someone gives you chocolates will make them think you dislike them, which will have more negative...
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    Koisuru (Otome) no Tsukurikata - Vol. 1 Ch. 5.2

    generics and cliches: the manga
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    Sensei wa Koi wo Oshierarenai - Vol. 5 Ch. 32

    loving this manga, translations are amazing as well. keep up the good work actus ^^
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    Rent-A-Girlfriend - Vol. 20 Ch. 169 - The (Provisional) Girlfriend and the Hot Springs

    yes, yes. only the 27th chapter where kazuya and ruka argue about relationship expectations and then kazuya realizes how kind and adorable ruka is. can’t we get some kind of development, author?
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    Boku no Namae wa "Shounen A" - Vol. 4 Ch. 32

    1. the lesbian yandere literally attempted murder, and takashi just ignored it? 2. was the picture that takashi took with the scared classmate ever explained to the other students? do they all think he was just being a creep? 3. the girl that bullied takashi at school falsely accused him of...
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    Boku no Namae wa "Shounen A" - Vol. 2 Ch. 16

    i realize that plots aren’t this convenient but... the dude is literally uploading child pornography. even if he uploaded it, the photo would be reported, his post and account would be IP terminated, and whatever social site he is using would ban his phone serial number, or any other device he...
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    Boku no Namae wa "Shounen A" - Vol. 2 Ch. 15

    the more i read this the more i hate sasaki. you really made an innocent boy, who risked his life protecting you, become ostracized and loathed by society so that no one would find out you were assaulted. being assualted is definitely something horrible and hard to deal with, but you basically...
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    Boku no Namae wa "Shounen A" - Vol. 1 Ch. 6

    she has every right to love someone who isn’t takashi. but can you not say “let’s exchange numbers” and give this poor boy false hope upon the only thing he protected for the last 3 years? holy shit you are an awful person.
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    The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses - Vol. 6 Ch. 68

    kaede is literally one of my favorite mc’s ever
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    Komi-san wa Komyushou Desu. - Vol. 21 Ch. 281 - Hamburgers for Lunch

    i wanted to see tadano eat a burger... :(
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    Otaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii - Vol. 3 Ch. 17

    i get having different types, but how is hirotaka’s face not your type. dude is handsome af